Sunday, January 02, 2005

Eating see ham

for those of you who are not hokkien, see ham is cockels after all the mouth watering posting on sotong & ketam, i had cockels in my char kuey teow. it's been a while since i had them, - worried about getting hepatitis !
they tasted delicious and brought to mind the good old days when we ( my family and i ) had cockels by the dulang ( didn't need to worry about hepatitis then ). we would rinse them after buying them from the pasar and pour hot water over the whole lot. everyone would then grab a choice spot around the 'dulang', brave the hot vapour and with a small plate of chili waited for the hot boiled cockels to cool a bit.
as soon as someone was brave enough to put their hand in and grab a cockel out, the feast started ! it's ever person for him/herself.
now that's the way to eat cockels.

3 Old Comments:

i love's about the only stuff i eat at loklok stalls and charkueyteow must add eaten half cooked and still parents have warned me bout hepatitis but seriously don't give a hoot..maybe later get the injection then can have MORE MORE MORE seehums!!!

By Blogger Kimberly Low, at 5:21 pm  

we malaysian do take our food seriously don't we. :)
glad to know you enjoy see ham so much.

By Blogger Chief, at 2:05 pm  

sigh... i missed those carefree food days.... half-cooked see ham with cili sauce... BEST! slurrrp!

By Blogger Buaya69, at 3:30 pm