Thursday, October 21, 2004


thought i had done the last of the dvds with a friend helping out. turns out his software had some problem reading the 'master' dvd and today i had to finish off the remainder which is about 20.
it's a bit like jaws, just when you think it's safe.....
anyway down to lst 2 and in future, i'm playing tai chi and push such things over to the proper ppl. ( no more helping out in this project )
alright on to more important stuff.
one of my youngest son was on his most destructive behaviour yesterday, drowned my wife's phone (a water resistant one), killed 3 of my pet fishes, and worse of all misplaced one of my torchlight ( 2 aa maglite ).
but the good news is my wife bought me one of those guns that shoots pallets. so i'll be staying up late waiting for the pesky cats. they come into my house and steals food & knock down garbages ( they're as big as a silly small house dog ).
plus, by now the dvds are completely done. going to celebrate by going to canteen to have a drink.

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