Friday, February 25, 2005


my daughter's drawing, did it for some mother nature charity at 1U 3 years back before the new wing was constructed. we had thought only selected tiles would be displayed but i think they displayed all the tiles. not a bad investment as for only rm 10, you get to do a painting, a t-shirt and a cotton bag with a whole lot of discount brochures. the priceless moment was looking for their tiles and seeing their face light up when they found it !

will not be blogging again so soon, my wife's going to HK and i'll be babysitting. ;) - don't know at the end of it who will be crying, my children or me.

1 Old Comments:

hehe, time for you to get a clothes dryer. ;) btw, not much electricity consumption. maybe RM10 extra for 4-5 loads per week.

By Blogger Buaya69, at 12:12 pm