Friday, May 06, 2005


this morning on the radio i heard a good marketing ad.
it's for Hot Link Pre Paid.
i think it's clever coz -
you get a surprise KFC discount vouchers when you top up minimum of Rm 30. when you top up your pre paid, Maxis will need to acknowledge that you're top up is successful anyway, hence adding extra wordings into thank you message does not cost them one bit, plus they probably get KFC to share the cost of discount given for the discounted meal. telling them have a potential of X number of people eating at their store (all the prepaid guys, or a certain percentage of it).

i'm waiting for Digi to 'retaliate'(am a Digi user), and as usual Celcom will either do nothing or react too late.

Also heard over the radio - Star Wars III is rated PG13. parents across america are upset coz now they have to accompany their children to the movie. guess after the last episode, he needs to boost the boxoffice. a briliant move by George Lucas.

2 Old Comments:

Just finished Starwars Episode 3. Believe me, it has lots of killing scene. it is PG13 and I am not surprised.

By Blogger Unknown, at 10:19 am  

OK, but it's still a good marketing ploy.
BTW how did you get a copy so fast ??

By Blogger Chief, at 8:21 pm