Coming down
If you think coming down is easy, think again. sure it's much easier than climbing up but it's a challenge as well.
from Low's peak to Laban Rata, you walk on rock face that can get to be quite steep. it's basically the opposite of what you've done in the dark (how profound). most of the time it's a stroll (unless you're afraid of heights), just 1 small part you'll need the assistant of ropes. some mat salleh actually slipped and fell 20 meters before coming to a stop. not too badly bruised but enough for everyone else to be extra careful after that.
after reaching our hut and resting for 1/2 hour, we moved on to Laban Rata resthouse, after brunch we moved out for the rest of the climb down. i tell you...the knee really hurt. it's like stairs all the way. plus it rained, thus further slowing our decent. we reached Kinabalu Park HQ around 2pm. collected our certs, 1 photo only (everyone's tired and don't really feel like posing).
so that's that.