Thursday, June 09, 2005


when i first started blogging, i can't wait for the next day to blog again.
but recently, i've been too busy to blog everyday. and do not really have lot's of interesting topics to blog on.

on one hand i, like the rest of bloggers like to have regulars checking in on my blog (which means probably an entry a day or two), on another i sometimes find it hard to sit down, take time to blog on stuff i'm reflecting on or i find interesting.
well it has to happen sometime. everything after a while wears off a little.

then again some blogger seem to have all the time to have more than 1 entry a day (make me jealous only) and are still going great as when they first started.

Hmm...i started this for fun and it's still fun, just that i don't really have lots of time to have too much fun right now.

yep, it's just a season and it will pass.

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