Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Thank you

now a days i realise we just add a thank you at the end of a conversation concerning work. sorry.., i sometimes find myself doing it and certainly have come across lots of people that does it.

i call someone and tell them they have to do something, yada,yada,yada,.....i end with thank you and the other person does the same as well. i mean if i call them to give them something or to let them know i've completed some stuff for them then i'll expect a thank you, but not when i assign them some stuff to do.

i'm wondering if this caused by our 'over polite' society. say a thank you at the end of every conversation will quickly make it loose it's meaning and get people wondering if you understand what's being brief to you.

i'm trying to consciously not say thank you especially over the phone. of course i won't be going to the other end to end it with a grumble either. maybe i'll just say ok or will do.

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