Wednesday, July 06, 2005

going for movie

tomorrow i'll be heading to

for Kingdom of Heaven.

i was there for Hitchhiker's Guide but was there late. only managed to get candy floss and a photo taken and printed courtesy of Nokia.

when i first went there last year, my mrs & i were wondering why would anyone want to watch the movie at 'padang'*. it's actually quite fun if you go there in a big group and make it like a night picnic thingy. plus you get to sit very close and get comfy with your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend**, can even lie down.....but before you let your imagination fly too far ahead, it's a wide open space and everyone's seated quite close together. all hanky panky stuff will have to wait till you get home.

you do have to pick a correct spot as some people are really tall and will block your view and there are some who have Hong Kong foot that'll make you turn purple from holding your breath as long as possible.

well wish me luck and good weather !

* field
** now your wife-mah

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