Monday, August 08, 2005

Bah Kut Teh

If you're from Klang, you'll take to bah kut teh like fish to water. it's even said that Klang has the highest heart attack cases in the country !
i guess of you don't over do it then it's ok. it's pretty hard to do when most of your Klang clients love it.
my brother in law just told me that most of the meeting he has with clients are over bah kut teh. one in the morning (BKT for morning tea), lunch time (power lunch), tea time (BKT again). wow, 3 servings of BKT a day!!! i hope this is not his schedule everyday.
Bring out the 'bad cholesterol cleansing tea'.

my family & I had BKT last Saturday and half way through our breakfast, the wind brought some fouls smell our way. my daughter and sons quickly pinched their nose, breath through their mouth and asked what smell was it and where did it come from.
of course we adults were not spared the smell but we could not react the way my children did (so if you want some honest answers, go ask the children/toddlers).
it was the smell of processed rubber and for me it brought back wonderful childhood memories.

my maternal grand-dad owned some rubber estate in Kuala Selangor and i used to go with him when he go inspect the estate. we (uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins and a whole lot more)would jump into the small river terrorising the fishes that winds around the estate and what nots in it, meet up with him later at the small rubber smoking hut.

my uncle was a rubber 'middle man' and his shop would be stacked high with rubber sheets that of course gave out some foul smell. but i would sometimes stay over (the family stays on top of the shop lot) and play with my cousin who have the coolest toys.

all these from a 'foul' smell,'s not so foul to me.

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