Friday, November 18, 2005


the company will be announcing the VSS that everyone's been talking about (i think as one of the local paper have a column on it). another reason to hate monday.

hopefully this will put to rest the numerous rumours that have been circulating around the office. it's been quite disruptive for many people. i actually glad that it has taken the powers that be a shorter than expected turn a round time, from the announcement of the take over to the VSS. i had expected it to happen only early next year.

well i will try to have a nice weekend while looking forward to the announcement on monday. i'm having sort of a mixed feeling about it. i mean i know it's unavoidable as we're currently overstaffed, not terribly but of course we could be leaner. it's a bitter pill to swallow but in the long run it'll be good for the company.

of course i might be one of them who will loose their jobs. so i'm as eager as anyone else for things to move a bit faster (to get it over and done with).

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