Friday, December 30, 2005

what an ending

dec is not an easy month for me. there are lots of changes. it's a bit like empty nest syndrome, people you've been working with for 4 1/2 years suddenly goes missing. quite a lot of people who are staying are on leave which makes things worse.

lots of adjustments to be made, the new management is known for documentations and i can't do paperwork properly to save myself. there is now a distrust that have been sown among the remaining staff as the new management seems to know more than they should, news of how staffs that have been moved to the main office are treated is not good at all and the culture of heavy office politics no doubt will be brought over here as well.

guess i am not very sad that this year is coming to an end and i sure look forward to next year. i dread to look at my resolutions made beginning of the year as most of them i have missed. interesting that sin can also mean to miss the mark.

i'll be leaving this year with a clifthanger. i might have an opening at another place, had a chat with ppl from a top notch post house. everything seems so cool, except for the working hours. moving into the post world would mean official 9-6, five and a half day week but.... one never gets off at 6. it also situated in town so...that makes it doubly difficult to reach home early.

all is not lost, i'll be counting my blessings in the next 2 days and i'm sure i won't sound so gloomy after that.

to all,

have a Wonderful New Year,
full of hope and cheer
remember what you've learned this year
and make next year a better year

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