scales fell
last Sunday's message by Rev David Shearer was indeed a wonderful one.
it's a simple expounding of Rom 7: 1-6 followed by the 1 Sam 25 story.
of course i would not be able to do as good a job of telling it like Ps David but i still would like to try as i think it's something every Christians should know.
he started off by getting us to identify the 3 'persons' in Rom 7:1-6
the wife = israel / the other man = Christ / husband that dies ? = Adamic nature in us, not the law as thought by many !
If Scripture declares in 1 John 3:9 "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.", why do Christians continue to sin?.
i've always wanted to know the answer to this question, don't you ?
well it turns out, our nature is now of God but our MIND is still stuck to the old !
our new nature does not sin but our mind is still getting used to the new nature and therefore we're almost always of 2 minds.
that's why in Rom 12:2 / Eph 4:22-23
i've always read 'the old man' not as the mind but as the old nature. so when this was explained i felt as if scales fell off my eyes. that is why suddenly Romand 12:2 came jumping at me !
i know it's terribly compressed, but hope you guys are blessed as well.
went for a chat with partners of a post house and it's coming along well. the shoot for a short film that committedited to help edit is near completion which means i'll have to start work on it soon. apple is sponsoring the editing equipments, so i get to put in my wish list ! and am rushing like mad to help put together my church's anniversary video.*
everything is 'moving' except work, it's picking up but still not there yet.
suddenly i'm press for time !
* please ok, i'm not free-lancing, the commitment to help edit the short film were made 3 years ago (yes it's that long) and they've now come to 'claim' it. i'm a man of my words. church anniversary ? my humble contribution to the work of God.