Monday, January 10, 2005


on my way to office this morning i was overtaken by a car bearing the number above. this is one of the cleverer words formed by a mixture of alphabets and numbers on malaysia number plate.

other nice ones that i've seen are :
R10 - nice place to spend your summer
BAB1 - a must for taukey khinzir,
JED1 - diehard starwars fan,
WAL1 - own by an imam,
DR6161 - dentist,
ADA8 - read in the papers that it was much sought after by chinese but have not seen it on the road,
AU1 -on a gold coloured epensive car,
PEN15 - why would anyone want a number like that?!

6 Old Comments:

Soon you should get a plate that reads BO55 if they allow it.

By Blogger Bustaman, at 9:36 pm  

PEP51 sounds good to me.

By Blogger Unknown, at 8:36 am  

hey, i saw JED1 about 2 years ago at my taman. IIRC its a black merc SLR, right?

By Blogger Buaya69, at 11:15 am  

i've seen a MAR10 on Jln Duta

By Blogger Kimberly Low, at 5:45 pm  

am looking out for KT10, my initials :) have seen it on some car, will just have to dream about it.

By Blogger Chief, at 9:18 am  

Bustaman :- i think you can now personalised your plate for rm50K.
KancilKiller :- yeah, that one is cool
Buaya 69 :- i've seen it before as well at Bukit Damansara, but don't know where that chap stays.
Kimberlycun :- must be a Nittendo Fan

By Blogger Chief, at 9:22 am