Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Beetle problem

once (read a long time ago), my producer had a beetle problem with the guards at the place where we work. when we drive out for lunch or go home after work, the palm reading guards* stationed at the gate would always look into the boot to make sure you don't take anything expensive big out of the office.

now, he's driving a volkswagon beetle 1960+ model which almost everyone know that the engine is located where the boot is. Obviously the guards either don't know or don't care coz they still made him get down from the car and open the 'boot'. (iso 9002 process mah)

good thing he was not charged for trying to steal an engine.

*so name coz to get into the office compound, you always flash them your palm. from there they can know if you're working for the company or an imposter.

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