Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well today like a good boy i went to my father's grave to do Cheng Beng rituals. actually i was there for the moral support. my 2 sisters and mum did the necessary stuff.

a nice piece of real estate, dont' you think so ? better be, paid rm24K for it. that's before doing up the whole place which cost another 5 grand.

not a nice place to visit, the matter how nice they made it. i got lost looking for my dad's plot and only found it after 5 mins or so.
i must say it's very refreshing to see my dad's face on the tomb stone. most have morbid faces like people still owe them money.

but my dad's is a smiley face. The other spot is for my mum but i don't think she plans on using it soon

see how happy he is in heaven.*

* although buried in a chinese cemetery and given chinese last rites but he has confess to Jesus being his savior !

2 Old Comments:

God bless your dad. Amen!

By Blogger, at 2:41 am  

Amen !

By Blogger Chief, at 10:30 am