Monday, September 12, 2005


this marked the 4th year of the 911 incident; on tv we see big memorials being held at ground zero. i’m not really moved by it. i know many died and it’s a reminder that there are people who think that your life and my life are tickets for them to get to ‘heaven’. i feel more for the guys on Flight 93.

for me the guys on board Flight 93 show what it means to be human. the passengers brought down the plane so that it will cause less damage. they knew they were going to die but still tried to wrestle over the control of the plane.

this story inspires me to :

know that a bunch of people with a common cause can get a lot done.
(the hijackers know they would fail in their mission & decided to crash the plane)

that when you do something good, you will be remembered. maybe not by all but by those who’s life was changed.

not give in till the fat lady sings !

all it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing.

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