rude caller
a : hi so&so, did you complete the stuff you're suppose to yesterday ?
so&so : i did not hand it in yesterday but have faxed the required info over this morning.
a : ok than can you inform B as she'll waiting for it. thanks
so&so : ok, by...
a hung-up the phone
wah hang up the phone before conversation is over.... very bad.
that was me doing that to so&so. i actually did not expect her to continue her ok with bye. i must have seem very rude to her to cut off the conversation before the end. sorry...
my dad used to do that to me and i would get very upset. sometime it's really embarrassed me to the extend that i would pretend that he's still on the phone and said bye to the tone (when i'm within earshot of friend)
my dad always scolds us for talking on the phone for such a long time (teenage years mah). he would tell us, what if there was an emergency and someone needs to call in ? (you see there were no call waiting then).
guess for the older generation it was expensive to chat for a long time on the phone and it was only used for more urgent things. how things have changed.
guess i'm also growing into the 'older' category. hehehe...