new office
today, second day in office. got me a place to sit but no pc yet. most ppl just share their pc and it's for work purpose only (no posts from office). a cultural shock! not only pc wise but the size of the company, working hours, interactions between departments and a whole lot more.
yesterday when i arrived at the office at 9.35, i was probably the 5th or 6th person in the office. i'm used to be one of the later ones to reach the office. this place doesn't start till about 10-10.15 but most people end at 8-9pm. traffic is not as bad a i imagined it to be (10 mins extra compared to travelling to my old place), just need to keep my cool when someone cuts infront of me without signalling.
i really need to get myself up to speed quick. lots of things to remember during the orientation sessions and getting used to.
this place is like a deep river, on the surface, very little movements, below, everything is just rushing through. when i walk in, i know there are lots of things happening inspite of the seemingly calm outlook and small size but the amount of jobs going through is just amazing.
they set up an e-mail for me -, but today i got it changed. hehehe.... only the more senior staffs calls me that.