Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fainting Spell

woke up today and it's everything was fine, got to work, got down from car and i had fainting spell. actually, come to think of it, not really spell but felt very light headed. like you're brain's all gone and it's filled with helium. a bit tipsy, cannot walk straight, a bit like drunk.

too bad it's not being filled with the Spirit. anyway... i soon began to imagine all sort of funny thing, like maybe there's a growth in my brain-lah, or something wrong with my ear-lah (that causes imbalance), and so on.

quickly drove back and went to the doctor. if it's something severe, i'll be dead already. had to wait 1 hour before i get to see the doc. and only spent 10 mins inside. temperature's ok, BP's ok , throat's ok, everything's ok...

doc says that i have a virus attack and this is a prelude to a fever or cold. funny coz i feel just fine (x'cept for the mabuk feeling of course).

what else to do but get home and rest. apa lagi, tidurlah.

now feeling much better.

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