Friday, September 08, 2006


just got back form the premiere of S'kali, quite terror leh, when i went to pick up the movie pass, my name was listed under special guest. hehehe..... well, i know Arvind for quite a while and was suppose to edit this one for him but didn't happen.
straight to the point.

it's one of the raw-est 'digital movie' and the fact that it was shot on HDV did not show up at all. I've seen better colour from stuffs shot on DV. there were a few off focus shots,(not to worry, PGL had some as well) and certain 'feel' did not come across. although one can argue, and it's the content that's number one, it should meet up to a certain level of expectation.

ok guess you already know what i'm getting at. I hope it's the fault of the projector and someone's fixing it. there are complication when one is shooting on video (especially DV) and certain 'defects' are expected, like a white washed sky and high contrast on indoor shots that have some outdoor scenes in the background.

the team have much to learn technically, for future productions, it would be wise to get one who is technically sound, and learn from him/her. i think the indie community is a small, tight one and many will be willing to lend a hand.
having say all that, please don't think that the quality is bad, but it can and needs to be better.

the story's good but i feel a bit let down by not being able to get a glimse of the background of the characters. since this is a movie about teenagers by 'teenagers'
it'll be interesting to see the environment they're growing up in and how theyr're coping with it. perhaps then it'll make sense for parents to watch it to know what teenagers are into nowadays.

the issues that are brought up in this movie are good issues but i feel it's being given a too on the surface treatment. after having the boldness to bring them up, they are given an either black or white treatment. the audience should be made to look at themselves deeper/harder.

there's however no short talents in this movie, i feel they all did very well.

i know having said all these, i've not made a movie or write a script for one. these are my sincere thoughts and i've written them not as a critic or with a i'm better than you attitude but with the hope that the next movie will be a much better one.

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