Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Happy Diwali

i used to get confused as to why ppl here say diwali instead of deepavali. but i was enlightened by one of colleague. both of them are actually correct, one being spoken by ppl from northern indians and the other south. apparently diwali has got a more 'class'lah. since it was used by a tv station, it has gain some ground here in malaysia.
so happy diwali to Jaya, Jaya, Siva, Aru, and .... lets move on to Hari Raya.
Now how is it that everyone in this company knows it'll be on sunday even when it's not announced by the keeper of ...(i forgot), and no looking for the anak bulan ?? have they been looking at the chinese calendar again ?
back in the good old days, my dad used to tease his malay friends as he would know if the anak bulan could be spotted or not using the chinese calendar. not that the calendar have changed but after so many years, it's not a 'secret' anymore and i suspect hari raya is not set based on calendar as well with the looking for the anak bulan becoming a tradition.
more blogging on friday as i expect it to be a light day. most of my staff are malays and most of them start their balik kampung either tonight itself or tomorrow.
so to those who are driving, drive carefully, we wouldn't want the policeman to take away your driving license.

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