Saturday, November 06, 2004

still in office

this is becoming a bad habit for me, staying late in office on friday nites. it's partly coz i don't work saturdays and there are usually things to rush out of fridays.
friday is also the day where i can stay up late to work on my blog as i can wake up a bit later than usual ( my children will wake me up at 9am on saturdays, on weekdays, we have to wake yank them out from their bed...has anyone figure this one out yet ? ).
it's getting better now - my blog, with the hits counter and bible quotes and links that opens in another window, have submitted my blog's url to yahoo & google,yada,yada,yada...head getting bigger as well (wify help). it's like i'm kind of settling down in blogspace. you now go to the few regular blog site you like instead of randomly looking into them. if feels kind of cool and scary at the same time. you can only settle down in a real place you know, not in cyberspace.
i also go visit heaps of other blog sites on friday. i used to be intimidated by the numerous blogs which are wonderful to read (i wish i could write like them), i'm now just enjoying them and not 'comparing' my blogging with theirs. hey it's everyone's 15 sec of fame (longer if it's found to be interesting).
ok so much for friday, it's now saturday and i'm gonna go home and get some sleep.

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