mosquito repellent
a few months back i bought a mosquito repellent, it's one of those liquid type that you plug into the electrical socket and can last for 60 days (of course conditions apply). well to tell you that it's on, the manufacturer have added fragrance to it. it smells kind of nice, but i've associated the fragrance with mosquito repellent and try not to breath too deeply when i smell it.
well the smell appeared in the office a few week back and for the life of me i can't seem to find where it's from. one day i even went round looking at all electrical sockets near my place to find it. no such luck. i was asking myself why would anyone leave the repellent on the whole day ? it'll shortern the
one fine day i went near a colleague of mine, and the chandelier turned on !! the fragrance that got me searching high and low for the liquid mosquito repellent was emitting from him ! just to confirm it was from him, i stood close to him and took a sniff. yep that confirms it. wonder what brand is that.
i didn't have the heart to tell him. yes, he's still using the perfume today.