Friday, October 29, 2004


here it comes..., went for taxi the movie yesterday. it's the american version, the original is a french version. it about this taxi driver who wants/loves to race cars and underneath her normal looking taxi is hidden a nascar. so the story is about her and a cop chasing/trying to solve some bank robbery cases involving some bad ass bank robbers that can drive cars very fast as well.
funny show, made funnier with friends that laughs out loud.
have not laugh so much in a while.

today went for buka puasa. was late coz the place is in ambiance. so jam plus our driver insisted on taking the longest,'jammest' route there. plus we got a tour of kampung baru as well. anyway i had a good rest in the car ( slept on the way there ). the food was good but atmosphere tadak. we were the only guys there and only later did a few more diners came in. over all i would give that place a rating of 4 out of 10 ( 2 point taken out for distance and jam to get there )

right this being a long weekend, i'll be back to office only on Tuesday, right smack into monday blues !

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

new tricks

i actuall didn't have to tapau, my wife despite being sick still managed to cook some simple dishes ( no, they're no off the can ).

have been busy with work and picking up new tricks for html. found out that now a day, with all the user friendly softwares in the market, very few people actually know how to write/prog in html. what to do ? finally i went to some html tutorial page and copy a script from there. so now when you click on the blogs i read link, they open up in a new window. :-)
i've also learned to do this yada yada yada.
i've seen this done in various blogs and have been wondering how they did it.

tomorrow i'm going for taxi premiere. more blogging on Friday ( maybe )

Monday, October 25, 2004


Just a quick lunch break blog.
wife's down with flu :-(
will try to go home early to cook dinner.
i'll just 'tapau' dinner, what was i thinking ???

Friday, October 22, 2004


Nolah, not thinking of eating. anyway i'm not fasting. hehehe....
however it's been an eventful week for my wife.
her : 1st brother told her to butt out. this is bad, i will remember it.
: 3rd brother sold his first car(toyota avanza). yahoo !!! i'm happy for him.
: 2nd brother sold 30 avanza. we're not telling 3rd brother.
: 2 sick children taking turns sticking to you. tiring
me : 2 children down with fever due to sore throat. one of them have been missing from school for a week.
: trying to find a balance between family, work and blog and reading other ppl's blog.
: toasting dvds
: staying up late. (again)
there were good things as well. but who wants to hear them right. like the saying goes - no news is good news
i'll put some of them down anyway.
: we got the shelf we wanted for the editing suite.
: i learned to take things a bit easy and try to spend more time at home.
: stayed up late and got to shoot at the pesky cat ( did not get it though )
: my son kept my maglite for me, so it was not actually lost.
: got free buka puasa do next friday.
: a friend of 20+ years called and it was not to sell me insurance.
: it rained so heavy that i didn't have to fill up the water for my pond.
: it's friday, and sunday on the way. what more i need to say.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

of blogs and forums

i told a friend that i now have a blog and have started to blog.
she - 'blog' what's that ?
me - like an on line journal
she - can people leave comments on it.
me - ya, of course you can ( some you cannot )
she - oh, then it's like a forum.
me - no, it's not like a forum, it's a blog like your own home page.
she - oh. looks at me funny ( like yeah, call it whatever you want, it's a forum to me ) and walk away.

maybe i should have pointed her to tv smith dua sen's BLOGGING FOR DUNGUS.
anyway i'm thinking it's good that she's not interested. don't want her to blow my cover.


thought i had done the last of the dvds with a friend helping out. turns out his software had some problem reading the 'master' dvd and today i had to finish off the remainder which is about 20.
it's a bit like jaws, just when you think it's safe.....
anyway down to lst 2 and in future, i'm playing tai chi and push such things over to the proper ppl. ( no more helping out in this project )
alright on to more important stuff.
one of my youngest son was on his most destructive behaviour yesterday, drowned my wife's phone (a water resistant one), killed 3 of my pet fishes, and worse of all misplaced one of my torchlight ( 2 aa maglite ).
but the good news is my wife bought me one of those guns that shoots pallets. so i'll be staying up late waiting for the pesky cats. they come into my house and steals food & knock down garbages ( they're as big as a silly small house dog ).
plus, by now the dvds are completely done. going to celebrate by going to canteen to have a drink.

Monday, October 18, 2004


did i tell anyone i'm in the media line ?? well I am. although i'm sort of mainly pushing pens/keyboards now, i used to do video editing. a lot. like really a, once in a while when my hand/fingers get itchy, i'll go help someone edit something or do something like help them burn DVD. ok... ok... i'm getting there....
anyway, i was helping out with this project with stuff like burning DVDs & still coz my pc happens to be the only one that can capture video from video decks. it of course started of with 2 DVDs, sometimes 3, growing to around 10-20. irritating but manageable.
guess what, they're now up to something ridicules like 80 DVD by Wed. (all these without please). think they're gonna get them ?
don't think so.
so, for me being itchy, i'm now a fast media center.

- 80 DVDs with cover and stickers! counter 7.
= would you like copyrights with that ??
- yes, please copy them right !

new look ??

check out the clock and link ( had it done last friday ) not a big deal to lots but a big deal to me. had to do sme html work. well i like it better like this.
next stop. including picture.

Friday, October 15, 2004


Wonder why i choose to name this blog sleepless in PJ ? i actually sleep a lot, more than i need to maybe....but i just have a problem waking up in the morning. when my wife tease me about me being a sleepy head, i just tell her i wake up early. i wake up at 3am, 5am, 6am 7am and at 8am.
but a night, i take quite a long time to fall asleep. i can stay up and think ( worry as well ) about things and play through scenarios of things that happened during the day or stuff that i think might happen tomorrow or over the next few days. i do enjoy giving thanks for the things that have happened and for my lovely family. sleeping late means waking up late, i can sleep late and still wake up early, but by 3pm my brain falls asleep and i'm like moving along at 1/2 the speed or slower...which is not good for ppl in my line of work.
i guess i wouldn't mind waking up early, get some fresh air, have some quite time. maybe i should just go ahead and do it. all this about cannot sleep at night thingy could be just a matter of breaking the mind set.
i'll try.... ( sounds impossible, but i'll try ) poor alarm clock.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Keeping Up

this is what i seem to be doing this whole week. play keeping up, heaps of stuff to do ( suppose to do but have not ) and before you know it it's thursday. the good part is, i got to spend time with my family !
guess will have to do less and delegate more.
guess that's the problem coming from a 'hands on' background. you want to get you hands on everything and sometimes worry that you'll loose touch. guess at some point you'll just have to stop worrying and work on being good at the new stuff you're at now.
having said all this, i'm just a slacker. lots of things that i want to do right but did not get round to doing it.
going home soon and sulk. and after that resolve to be better.

Monday, October 11, 2004

hard work

maintaining a blog is hard work....especially so when you don't have all the time in the world. been busy doing some video for children church and work. most of the time it's on 'standby' till you can get into a suite, then you do some tests and see if the clients like them ( the next day ), wait for feed back and some more tests.
when you get clients who knows what they want it's goo but most of the time they think they know better ( which of course they don't ) and want you to do the impossible !
back to square 1.

Monday, October 04, 2004

didn't get much done

Hmm.....weekends come and gone but i must say that i didn't get much done. was suppose to do more than just lazing around and a feeble attempt to put together a video presentation for the children church. i did manage to 'put it together' but it looks too 'put together' without much thought in it. i'm so used to working with video. sigh.....
will see what i can do tonight.

Friday, October 01, 2004

time flies

hmm...lots of things to do and have only managed to finish so few of them. actually 1 to be exact. ( things that are important to me). time sure flies when you're having fun.
actually...time files when you're not organised and keep puting things off till the very last minute where you think you'll be inspired to do it and your brain go blank. that's about to happen to me.
i really should spend time 1st thing in the morning listing stuff i want to do down and follow through on them as the day gets along. i've tried it once and was surprised that it actually worked. i finished the things on the list with time to spare.
but because i did not do that today (this week) i now have to spend more time in the office and i really miss my wife and 3 children.
got to get a list drawn up and follow it through on a regular if not daily basis.
ciao go to do what i've got to do.