Friday, April 29, 2005

Coming down

If you think coming down is easy, think again. sure it's much easier than climbing up but it's a challenge as well.

from Low's peak to Laban Rata, you walk on rock face that can get to be quite steep. it's basically the opposite of what you've done in the dark (how profound). most of the time it's a stroll (unless you're afraid of heights), just 1 small part you'll need the assistant of ropes. some mat salleh actually slipped and fell 20 meters before coming to a stop. not too badly bruised but enough for everyone else to be extra careful after that.

after reaching our hut and resting for 1/2 hour, we moved on to Laban Rata resthouse, after brunch we moved out for the rest of the climb down. i tell you...the knee really hurt. it's like stairs all the way. plus it rained, thus further slowing our decent. we reached Kinabalu Park HQ around 2pm. collected our certs, 1 photo only (everyone's tired and don't really feel like posing).

so that's that.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Climb pt3

as with everyone, the last leg start at around 2am to enable climbers to view the sunrise from the highest peak in South-East Asia. i started out clothed to the teeth. with a thick jacket cum windbreaker, gloves,& track bottom and a headlamp.

the climb is still made up of steep steps and tracking over steep mountain face assisted by ropes. the ropes are placed there by park management as without them, only the braves of chap (=local guides) will be able to go up the steep areas.
also pulling yourself up with the help of the rope take a bit of pressure off the tired legs. after a while, it's gets warm and i pulled down my jacket's zipper to get some cold air in. only when you're on open area do you fell the cold that seems to be able to seep into your bones.

the last checkpoint is at Sayat-Sayat Hut (km 7 - only 1.5km to go). you'll need to flash you tag to the park rangers/guides stationed there and do the same as you come down. They will send S&R teams to look for you if they checked you name going up but not when you come down. a system they've developed since a mat salleh lady perished up there.

this last leg is very tiring as the air is cold and thin. i found myself breathing hard and could feel my heart pumping twice as hard (shortering it's lifespan). at one point i could hear my heartbeat and wondered if it's because it's very quite or i'm going to faint or something (as in people say when you're about to die, you whole life will flash before you). but i didn't faint or anything like that. just very tired and every 2 to 4 mins i will be taking a short break.

the places you rest is also very interesting as it's usually beside a wider 'path' still on a not so steep gradient. you have to always keep your balance as losing it will cause you to fall quite a distance. you won't know how long a distance as it's very dark.

due to the many stops i made, it was getting bright as i neared Low's peak, with 500 meters or so to go, you can see some fitter chaps already at the peak and a trail of lights leading to it. i wanted to raced there but my legs had other plans. so i had to be contented by just making less stops.

as i reached the peak the sun had just emerged from behind some clouds and it really erase a lot of the tiredness. beautiful bright red sun, busting from behind the clouds, cool air, wide open space, clouds below you... you feel like you on top of the world !

you take it all in for around 5 mins and begin to fight for space behind 2 small signboards, one in Kadazan language and the other says Taman Kinabalu, Low's Peak (4095.2m). guides yelling at those who made it to the top to move aside once the photo is take. it's quite a chaotic sight, as the area is really very small.

photo, more photos and before you know it, the guys wants to go down. it's really cold up here i tell you. really cold. ok......

The Climb pt2

after the rest, take photos. then a quick hike to Gunting Lagadan Hut, just 10 mins away. the way there is again up and more ups.
it's a nice long house, hostel type quarters, 4 to a room, kitchen area, small hall, common shower area, male and female toilets.

people actually bring stuff up here to cook ! can sardines, fresh veg and so on. must have gotten porters to carry them up. a plate of generous serving fried rice at Laban Rata restaurant is Rm7 and hot drinks are Rm4. a can of 100plus is Rm4 ... you get the idea, things her are a bit more expensive but not out of this world.

funny having a common shower area with some girls hanging their bras on top of the door, half inside and half out an amusing sight for a country where girls are modestly dressed (not all but majority of them).
hot water was available and i quickly took a shower. was told that hot water will run out towards the end of the day, depending on how many people took a hot shower... cold shower is not an option. i even brought up a pack of wet wipes incase the hot water runs before i had a chance to shower.

a change of fresh clothes.....what a feeling. after that, bed ....ahhhhh....zzzz.
woke up later and my stomach was not feeling to well. forced myself to have some 3-in-1 Nestum, 7pm and it was already very dark. tried to sleep but woke up again around 9pm and had some instant noodles, then off to sleep again.
before you know it noise were coming from the corridor and outside were a hive of activities. everyone's getting ready for the last leg of the climb.

hosted by Laban Rata Resthouse, where the restaurant is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Climb pt1

We've opted to use the new trail - Mesilau trail and not the more established summit trail. one reason being you get an extra cert saying that you went up with this trail. it's 1.5 km further, doesn't mean much if you're in a car, but when you're hiking with a 5-6kg backpack, shorter is better.

started off around 9.30am and were among the last group to leave the trail. do pick up a walking stick which costs rm3 to help you along the trail. you start off with a short climb, follow by more climb. in the first 500meters i was ready to give up. we were walking at a fast pace and by then all my stamina built from jogging around the house were used up.

boy did i prayed for God's strength to help me along.
guess what, God answered my prayer. after the 1st stop i felt much better and although was the last (among my group of 4) had not felt like dying and thought of giving up had disappear, although at times my legs were on auto pilot, they just moved on without any thoughts guiding it.

as i reflected on this, it seems to me that God will give strength, _________ (fill in the blank) when we've exhausted our. most of the time we ask for strength,this and that when we've not even exerted those things that we asked for.

it's a beautiful trail with lots of things to look out for - beautiful scenery with diff vegetation and animals ( saw mountain squirrels, rat and birds ).tried to take some photos but all most of them were blur - taken with shaky hands.
don't be too busy climbing that you forget to take a look around and enjoy. this also gives you an excuse to be slow ! - learned this fro the MNS* birders.

i reached Laban Rata at around 4 pm exhausted. 7.5km of track. from a height of 1563.8 meters to 3314.3 meters high....but we stayed at Gunting Lagadan Hut (3323.5 meters) which meant after a quick hot drink, makan and rest (ok, not so quick) we had to climb some more.

*MNS = Malaysian Nature Society

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Pre climb

This trip being a budget trip, we booked on air asia. a friend had suggested we fly mas via the group fare which comes up to be around Rm420 each (don't quote me, i don't really remember the actual figure but it's around there). with air asia we pay rm 270 for return flight.

the only problem with air asia as i was soon to find out is that they delay flights, frequently. this is roughly how/why they do it. let's say the 2pm flight is only 1/2 full they will cancel it and move everyone to the 4pm flight, which hopefully is also 1/2 full = you'll get a cost effetive full flight by delaying all the 2pm patience budget travelers by 2 hours.

this is ok and make business sense IF you want to continue to remain a budget airline known for it's delay. i will travel air asia only when i'm on budget, if i have some cash to spare, i'll be flying mas. i can't imagine being delayed indefinitely if i'm traveling with my family. children are not so patience.

as always, read the fine prints.

now everyone can fly - you'll just have to wait till the plane is full.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Been there, done that

a very nice view from the journey there.
It was a wonderful trip and all 4 of us managed to reach Low's peak.

as am just back for a week's holiday, there is much work to catch up upon. details n trip coming soon.

:) check out the big grin on my face.

Friday, April 15, 2005

On my way

i'll be gone for a week, but the climb's only 2 days. mrs chief was asking me why i need to be away for so long. actually i've miscalculated, thinking the climb will take 3 days instead of 2. plus since flying so far away, might as well stay a bit longer and tour the place a bit. i'll be missing her as well, especially after coming down from Mt.Kinabalu (4095 meters) and aching all over (no one to pity or massage me)

well, tomorrow's my flight, unless i can find a cheap internet cafe, no post for 1 week. have a wonderful week ahead.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Good to GO

well, my leave which was pending have been approved, so this Sat it'll be Sabah here i come. Of course from now till then there are lots of things to be done. handover notes, passwords to secret stuffs, keys to secret lockers, more secret passwords to access web panel for reports, secret codes to activate secret get the point.

tomorrow there will be a major press conference, then Friday, then off for 1 whole week ! D day will be monday 18th. report from the scout team have been good and i've even go a photostated copy of the route if only i can find it.

Yes, yes, YES.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well today like a good boy i went to my father's grave to do Cheng Beng rituals. actually i was there for the moral support. my 2 sisters and mum did the necessary stuff.

a nice piece of real estate, dont' you think so ? better be, paid rm24K for it. that's before doing up the whole place which cost another 5 grand.

not a nice place to visit, the matter how nice they made it. i got lost looking for my dad's plot and only found it after 5 mins or so.
i must say it's very refreshing to see my dad's face on the tomb stone. most have morbid faces like people still owe them money.

but my dad's is a smiley face. The other spot is for my mum but i don't think she plans on using it soon

see how happy he is in heaven.*

* although buried in a chinese cemetery and given chinese last rites but he has confess to Jesus being his savior !

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Beetle problem

once (read a long time ago), my producer had a beetle problem with the guards at the place where we work. when we drive out for lunch or go home after work, the palm reading guards* stationed at the gate would always look into the boot to make sure you don't take anything expensive big out of the office.

now, he's driving a volkswagon beetle 1960+ model which almost everyone know that the engine is located where the boot is. Obviously the guards either don't know or don't care coz they still made him get down from the car and open the 'boot'. (iso 9002 process mah)

good thing he was not charged for trying to steal an engine.

*so name coz to get into the office compound, you always flash them your palm. from there they can know if you're working for the company or an imposter.

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm not a good father

I'm not a good father because... (copy title from 5xmom) i gave my son a terrible haircut
hosting by
it was the most perfect haircut any father could give his son, but while trying to make it look better than perfect (if there is such thing) i accidentally made a 'hole' at the back. my wife say - leave it-lah, but chief say, wah ugly-lah, stand out like sore thumb, and proceed to cut some more. So become like that-lah.

he now looks a marine ! anyway, his sis says that he looks like sonic and he's very happy about it.

hope he survives his 1st day of school with this hair cut.

Friday, April 01, 2005

What you get

For all your trouble, you'll get this

there's another one, but this is the nicer one.