Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Who made the cut

the vss is still going on and we would not know till mid Dec. there are workshops to attend as well as new information coming in. as the deadline is not yet, i'm not able to say if i'll still be around.
thank youSaDdNesZ for your concern.
as i'm attending the workshop today this will be a short post.

Monday, November 28, 2005

rude caller

a : hi so&so, did you complete the stuff you're suppose to yesterday ?

so&so : i did not hand it in yesterday but have faxed the required info over this morning.

a : ok than can you inform B as she'll waiting for it. thanks

so&so : ok, by...

a hung-up the phone

wah hang up the phone before conversation is over.... very bad.
that was me doing that to so&so. i actually did not expect her to continue her ok with bye. i must have seem very rude to her to cut off the conversation before the end. sorry...

my dad used to do that to me and i would get very upset. sometime it's really embarrassed me to the extend that i would pretend that he's still on the phone and said bye to the tone (when i'm within earshot of friend)

my dad always scolds us for talking on the phone for such a long time (teenage years mah). he would tell us, what if there was an emergency and someone needs to call in ? (you see there were no call waiting then).

guess for the older generation it was expensive to chat for a long time on the phone and it was only used for more urgent things. how things have changed.

guess i'm also growing into the 'older' category. hehehe...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Chinese Nationals

this is certainly the hottest topic around, plus now there's visual as well. this issue will certainly be with us for a while.
guess this one is too hot to sweep under the carpet.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Christmas tree

yesterday i bought a christmas tree and set it up. it's just a modest 4 feet tree.
it was not as easy as i had thought. of course it's one of those self-assemble ones. the instruction paper that comes with it had only 4 drawings on it. all the 'branches' were squeezed together so that when you take it out of the box it actually look like a very bushy thin stick. hehehe.....

i was excited and in a rush to put it up that i did not take any photos. maybe in later posts. started at around 11.30pm and got it up at 12.30am. by then very tired and sleepy but it was worth it as the tree looks nice. just in time as well, as it's only 4 week till Christmas.

was suppose to get a tree last year for this year. being 'cheap-sikit' we were planning to pick 1 up after christmas but we waited a bit too long. when we went to look for one, they had taken the trees off. blame it on procastination.

today if everything goes as planned, there'll be lights up on the tree. something to look forward to

Monday, November 21, 2005


well the town hall meeting have been moved to Wednesday. but that's now what i wan to blog about today.
want to talk about the kancil awards

we ( 2 others with me )reached there at about 8.15 and it was just about to start ! on the invitation card say 7pm. how like that ? it has always start late, guess it the advertising culture. don't think you can find any 'creative' people who clock in at 9 sharp and leaves at 5 sharp.

maybe i've been 'out' of the industry too long but i feel that the award is much 'watered' down. could be due to too many agencies now a days. it used to be a riot coz everyone acted like hooligans. such great fun

the girls then also dressed to kill for the event. it's a real treat to see girls who usually wear jeans and t-shirts in evening gowns and make up. now a days a quick survey....most of the girls just dressed like they're going out for a drink.

anyway i left around 10.30 and they were only into their 3rd category.

i must say they should leave the 'craft' section out and leave it for the MVA guys who are doing a better job.

Friday, November 18, 2005

kancil awards nite

i'll be going for kancil awards nite at KLCC tonight,well last company sponsored makan. hopefully not but as times like this nobody can be presumptuous.


the company will be announcing the VSS that everyone's been talking about (i think as one of the local paper have a column on it). another reason to hate monday.

hopefully this will put to rest the numerous rumours that have been circulating around the office. it's been quite disruptive for many people. i actually glad that it has taken the powers that be a shorter than expected turn a round time, from the announcement of the take over to the VSS. i had expected it to happen only early next year.

well i will try to have a nice weekend while looking forward to the announcement on monday. i'm having sort of a mixed feeling about it. i mean i know it's unavoidable as we're currently overstaffed, not terribly but of course we could be leaner. it's a bitter pill to swallow but in the long run it'll be good for the company.

of course i might be one of them who will loose their jobs. so i'm as eager as anyone else for things to move a bit faster (to get it over and done with).

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

auto door

today on the way to work as i was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, a Morris Minor made an illegal U-turn. nothing strange about it except as it was turning, it's front passenger door swung open !

when i was small, one of my cousin's car had the same problem. the door was known to swing open by itself, so it will always be locked. good thing nobody every fell out from the car.

Ahhh.. the wonderful exciting childhood days.

Monday, November 14, 2005

No Admittance

I was having my car serviced and while waiting i spotted a no entry sign

nothing special about it but being bored i looked at it more carefully than i normally would and noticed

the writing on the sign, the rest i know except these. Hmm....wonder why a Malaysian no entry sign have a 'foreign' language on it.
anyone know what language it is ?

Friday, November 11, 2005

stick and stone

can break my bones but strong words won't.

there has to be a better reaction by the world other than we 'strongly condemn such cowardly acts'.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

on the spot

have you had to make 'important' decisions on the spot. it's really upsetting when it can be avoided and i'm still upset about it. it's partly my fault, sometimes i think i'm too soft a person.

i got a call yesterday nite. the caller request permission for one of my staff to assist in a project for about a week. an urgent reply is needed as the dateline is today and all the paperwork have to be in this morning.

will i be willing to allow my staff to assist them ? yes i said but please get the permission from my superior as well. there might be some bad blood between units and i don't want to get caught in the middle.

ok, the caller said, i'll call and ask permission from your superior saying you are ok with it.

hmm.... i'm thinking this would make me seem like i'm together in the plot to 'force' my superior's hand to say yes to the request. as i've already said ok, there should be really no objection.

the unit has asked me beforehand and i've told them to e-mail a formal request to my superior and cc to me as well. that way everyone is informed and i would say it's ok when my superior asks me. well the e-mail did not materialise and the call was only made around 7pm, after office hour. now how _________(fill in the blanks) is that?!

i hope they get what they want coz in future it'll be a big fat NO from me if it's not done by the book.

not easy when you want to help others.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

the moral of the story

since i can't sleep, i might as well wrap up the golden goose story.
it's still ongoing you know, as the goose is still on the way to recovery, but that will be another story. for now , let me tell you what is the moral of the story.

1) the farmer was paid handsomely for the goose. more than anyone could have imagined, hang on, that's not the moral of the story,....... i've digressed.

the moral of the story is this.

1. a lot of times, we tend to neglect that which provide for us/treat us well. do take time to appreciate those around us that have provided us with a comfortable life.

2. not every owner of the golden goose will learn their lesson. the original farmer was compensated very well and would still be able to live a lavish life without the goose.

3. sometimes tales end with a happy ending, sometimes it does not, but we all still hope for a happy ending for the goose and that the farmer would be wiser.

4. one wife is more than enuf.

please feel free to add on......

i'm sure this goose story will crop up again as the story is still being unfold.

Monday, November 07, 2005

slow monday

First day of break after a long break, most of the staff is still on leave. so i can ease into the normal routine again. it's actually not so quiet a day as there were thing waiting to be sorted out (delayed by the long break).

yesterday my dear wife sign herself and me up for inline skating lessons. rm160 for 6 lessons including gears. guess that's not too bad as they gears are very expensive. first lesson is this Sat. hopefully i won't fall down too much.

some guys just called. don't you hate it when you get calls that make you have to stay back just when you're all ready to pack and cabut. i'm still going to go anyway and leave it in the capable hand of my fellow colleague.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

out of sync

i had planned this long break to be sort of a lazy one with only painting the grill and gate on my mind. with the thought that there are still many a day left and of course procastination, i must say that i've been out of sync with almost everything. i've been sleeping late and waking up later than usual, take afternnon naps and then have trouble sleeping early at night. resulting in not much being done.

i did not get the gate and grills painted but washed both cars, and polished 1 of them. you cannot imagine the difference it made. where it once looked like matte red, it's now got Ferrari red on it ;) (that's as close to owning the car as i can get). it's hard work polishing the car. my arms are aching so it's ok if you're reading this slowly as that's how i'm typing it.

this is a new keyboard i'm using. the old one have buttons that does not work and i always loose things when i ctrl C and ctrl V them. now i have no fear at all but there are still buttons that of diff size. overall i'm very satisfied (only rm 22 - coz it's usb, ps2s are cheaper).

it's saturday again and before you know it, it's back to work time. it's been a good break for me even if i did not get much done, but hey that's what holidays are for. think i'll go take amy afternoon nap now.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I had wanted to post this yesterday but was out almost the whole day, so i'll just do it today.
while the majority of us are on leave, there will be some who will have to work to keep the 'business' running, be it the essentials staffs form police to air traffic controllers to shop assistants to who ever has a reason to keep working right through.
Happy Devali and Hari Raya

i know it's a bummer to work while everyone is celebrating, but i hope your bosses are fair enough to let you guys off next year.

as for me i'll be doing some house keeping while my wife is out 'joli-ing'. hehehe...